Monday, April 6, 2009

Tomb Cleaning Ceremony – The Chinese Way of Servicing their Ancestors

The 3-day Tomb Cleaning day has started in China. During these 3 days, people visit their ancestors’ tombs to clean the tombs of their ancestors and to pay homage. In order to honor their ancestors, people buy different things, which the ancestors used or liked when they lived on this earth, and place the same in their tombs and seek blessings. As per Chinese tradition, such way of seeking blessings will bring them fortune. Every year, this ceremony has been helping the Chinese railways to garner the much-needed demand. Most of the people who visit these tombs are either in their middle or in old age. The new generation seems to be averse to this idea. Instead of paying respects to their ancestors, the new generation is critical of the ceremony itself and who is lining their pockets under the garb of this kind of ceremonies.

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