Saturday, April 4, 2009


Petrol is one of the fast depleting fossil fuels in this world. Nobody knows quite exactly how much is still there beneath the hardcore layers of mother earth for our future generations use. Until yesterday, Americans guzzled petrol like anything and now, when the prices started shooting up, it seems they are relenting slowly. The Arab world has more petrol reserves compared to water in their backyards. Petrol has given the Arab world a much needed boost in financial terms also.

Sensing the much-needed demand of Petrol in this developing world, a few greedy companies, which owns petrol reserves in different parts of the world and have been selling the same to different countries have come up on the idea of branding the fossil fuel. They told the world that they have added a few power boosters to the branded petrol and these power boosters gives extra edge to your mileage and vehicle engine’s overall performance. Moreover, the petrol distributors have been selling the branded petrol at extra price compared to the unbranded petrol. Like this, the world’ consumer have been shelling out money on an assumption that s/he is riding his/her vehicle on power boosters.

Alas! Had this claim been true, perhaps this article would not have been written. However, NOT! Read the MRTPC report on branded petrol for yourself and know what is happening:

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