Sunday, March 29, 2009


This is an interesting question. Spiritually speaking, as per Bhagwad Geeta, Lord Krishna told us that the atma (human soul) journeys from one birth to another and it will not die. Every time the atma takes a new birth, the subtle body comprising the senses and the mind accompanies it. These will form the inborn tendencies and the desires of each individual that shape his/her unique personality. This is the core personality of the individual.

Actually, all the preceding explanation happens before the individual takes birth. After s/he takes birth, the environment around the individual starts shaping his/her core personality. However, this part is what the soul learns consciously. These new learning's may mould the unique personality of the individual by giving it a new twist. That is why there has been old saying that "Tell me about your friends, I will tell about you."

By taking birth, the atma commits itself to God that it will come clean by doing penance for the old sins committed during past births and by doing the punya-related activities during the present birth. Unfortunately, the atma forgets all the commitments it made to God after taking birth (Only a few saints like Lord Buddha remember more than his 500 previous births.) and starts indulging in all the activities of this materialistic world.

Every birth gives you an opportunity to come clean of your past birth sins and do punya-related activities. By doing more and more punya activities, the atma can be relieved of the present birth-death lifecycle forever. This is what every atma aims before it takes a new birth.

Those who realize the purpose of their presence in this present world, will definitely stop indulging in the madness of this materialistic (maya) world and start aiming at the higher purpose of their coming here – relieving one's self from the bondage of birth-death lifecycle.

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