Monday, May 25, 2009

The Mind and New Challenges

Recently, there has been an article in a very popular magazine saying that people living in a place other than their own are good at creativity. The article talks about people who have been living abroad for so many years. When a test has been conducted between the locals and foreigners, the latter found to be more creative in answering the test compared to the former. This is an interesting result.

Frankly, even before the test has been conducted, most of us know and feel that whenever we stay in a foreign place, psychologically, we feel that our mind is so alert and it does not let you sleep peacefully until it knows and understands the new surroundings better. A new place creates a new learning opportunity to our mind. Moreover, the mind won't settle for less until it knows everything it has in its view. While learning, the mind exhibits extra capabilities, shows more enthusiasm, and alertness in learning new stuff. Because of the extra alertness and new networking between the grey cells, the functionality of the brain improves like never before. All this activity is a response to the challenge that the new surroundings presents to the mind.

In summary, new challenges always poses great challenge to our minds while understanding them. The challenge itself provides a new opportunity to let footloose your mind and explore new hitherto unknown things.

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