Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Watching TV Has Become A Burden

Everyday we watch TV. There are so many channels vying for your attention. Moreover, the technology has given you a comfort in the form of REMOTE so that you can switch channels as you wish whenever you feel bored by the current program. Television has become a part of our life. Nowadays, people may not have permanent shelter but not TV. No other gadget can replace the entertainment provided by TV. The regular TV serials and the saucy episodes of never ending family sagas have become part of our life. People discuss all those things that happen in a serial as if it is happening in their own family. They feel the same tension and relate themselves to the roles played in that serial. This is normal human psychology. People even love the role players and keep their photos in their pockets, purses, on the walls in their houses, etc.

Unfortunately, the content shown in these serials is so disturbing most of the times. The serial producers, for the sake of hiking their TRP ratings, introduce everything nasty as part of the serial. Every soap shows family feuds, cunning family members who want to out do each other, different kinds of illegal relations and long unwanted discussions about them, etc. No soap, serial, episode, etc, is free from this kind of disturbing stuff. Nobody is forcing these creative-less producers and directors to make this kind of serials. It seems there is an unholy nexus between serial-makers, advertisement marketers, and channel owners.

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