Sunday, April 26, 2009

A New Biometric Tool

A new tool has been found by our scientists, which can be used as an
antitheft mechanism for your ipods and mobiles. Moreover, the new
biometric tool is nothing but the hair in your inner ear.

Every time your ear picks up a new sound, the hair in the inner ear
vibrates in such a way so that the sound received by it can be
amplified by X times. After amplification, the sound is forwarded
toward the eardrum through the existing bone setup. Now, while
vibrating to amplify the received sound, the inner ear hair itself
produces a noise of its own. Moreover, this noise found to be unique
to each individual and made the vibrations of inner ear a new
biometric tool. The surprising factor is that we (humans) cannot hear
the noise produced by the inner ear. Only sensitive microphones have
the capacity to pick up these noise signals.

If brought into use, this biometric tool can be used by your bank call
centers to verify and validate your call by making a few clicks from
their computer while you are on call with them to know whether you are
the same person whom you are claiming to be.


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