You might be thinking that because every mobile phone is equipped with a camera now, and every one knows how to take a rudimentary snap, then what the great deal about all this fuss is. You are right in one way! But, everyone whoever is equipped with the mobile camera is not taking pictures what others want and they are not trying to earn a livelihood on doing this but you.
Nowadays cameras are being stuffed with latest technology. Even if you want to take a bad picture intentionally, it is not possible. The least quality camera produces an average quality picture in today's world. So don't worry! However, what about those professional photographers who already have taken loads of photos using their sophisticated costly cameras? Yes. They are also there in the market catering the needs of companies and individuals who want quality stuff. However, they cannot go to every place to take pictures. They can't be omnipresent. They need somebody who present at the exact location at the right time to capture the scene and then send it to him or her so that they can give the final touchings and put the photo on sale. By supporting them, you can also earn a few bucks in the form of commission. For doing this kind of job, you do not need to be a professional. The only eligibility is to have a minimum 3-pixel digital good quality camera. That's all!
Internet offers many opportunities to the would-be professional photographers. There are so many sites out there so that you can upload and display your pictures directly from your digital camera. There is no need to spend a single penny. The space to display your photos will be provided freely by a few sites, which are enthusiastically looking for this kind of opportunity.
In today's world, every news channel needs photos/video to display while they cover an event. If you have the chance to provide a rare photo shot taken in a peculiar angle to them, it will be more than a few thousand bucks for you. Like this, if somebody likes your uploaded photos and are ready to buy them, no matter where they and you are, a transaction can be done using Paypal simply.
So smile this recession away by being a photojournalist!
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