Wednesday, June 17, 2009


There is a lot of difference between the old and new work cultures around the globe. Today, it is easy even for a layman to judge whether a company is still following the old ways of doing things or flexible enough to understand and implement the new global work culture. Companies, which follow old work culture, follow dress code. Some go to the extent of asking their employees to wear uniforms (particularly manufacturing companies!) so that all the employees have something in common among them, which lay stress on equality and oneness.

In the recent globalization scenario, so many new domains, verticals, and industries have cropped up out of nowhere to service the global citizen in every aspect. Information Technology popularly known as IT is one of them. It has changed the global work culture scenario radically in a very short period of time (in one decade!). IT industry not only has created huge employment opportunities all around the world but it also paid the employees huge salaries to keep them in comfort and follow their own style of living.

All around the globe, IT work culture has been adjudged as the best one so far. IT companies follow flat-hierarchies, give their employees top priority, and freedom regarding their professional life. They were allowed to wear what they want and use company laptops for their personal use, along with other perks, free gifts, weekend dinners, etc. IT has changed the old work culture all around the globe. The new work culture has its own objectives and priorities, which are quite different from the old one. IT companies stress their employees only on getting given assignments done. That's it! How do you do that is not company's problem. Employees can come to office as per their own comfortable timings and stay as many hours as they want. At the end of the week, company checks whether the particular employee has completed the minimum number of work hours or not. This kind of work culture has not been imagined before 1990s.

In summary, the new world work culture gives importance to freedom and employee satisfaction unlike old work culture which gives importance to pseudo-discipline, unnecessary strictness, and mind-boggling organization hierarchies.

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