An internal newsletter targets company employees as its main audience. The periodically published newsletter is expected to talk about the employees and their achievements mainly. Birth/marriage/work/etc anniversaries relating to employees should be brought to notice through internal newsletter with colorful visuals accompanied by flowery text. Every newsletter carries the messages of company CEO/MD/etc targeting employees, company growth, and market conditions, which educate employees and give them a broader outlook about where their company stands in the present competitive market. No matter what, an internal newsletter surely serves the company in integrating employees of all roles and ranks like a united family.
All the events, small or big, that happen in the company can be highlighted through newsletters. The underlying idea of "United, we can achieve anything and everything" can be propagated using newsletter as a medium. You can conduct instant polls to know the pulse of the employees about any critical issue and publish the same in the newsletter so that all the employees could come to know the opinion of their colleagues. If you are a knowledge-based company, you can use Newsletter to drive a reading campaign among the employees.
These kinds of campaigns help employees to educate themselves about new concepts, issues, policies, etc, relating to their domain and allow them to use their newly found knowledge to design and implement new processes that can help the company to save redundant costs in the long run.
So many things happen in the daily professional life of an employee.
While solving the unexpected issues under tremendous deadline pressures, the employee uses his/her little grey cells at lightening speed and uses the hidden knowledge base acquired through in-depth practical experience gained so far. Problem solving is important but sharing others how s/he solved the problem is "more important" from the company point of view. This kind of sharing helps the company to reduce the redundant efforts in solving the similar kind of problems in future. Moreover, the company's internal newsletter is the only tool through which employees can share their unique personal work life experiences.
In summary, an internal newsletter acts as glue that binds the company with its employees by sharing their unique experiences, knowledge base, and talent. Just imagine if you can make this medium little bit interactive that forces the employee to contribute something for the newsletter, whenever it is published. By publishing the contributions of an employee along with his/her visual, the company is doing nothing but respecting the employee and at the same time letting him/her know that s/he is the valuable source for the company. This kind of appreciation and publicity makes an employee proud and increases his/her sense of belongingness to the company. This kind of belongingness in turn helps the company in retaining the crucial talent, which it requires in this heavily competitive world.